
Reduce Breakdown response time by half

Automated identification of expert to solve the problem

Systematic Allocation of Problems

Increase Production Performance

Paper Less Response Management

Improve Manufacturing efficiency

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Runtime Abnormalities – No More!

With our ANDON system we can help you optimize the plant's performance most effectively. Lean philosophy is about eliminating 7 sources of wastage at the production line. ANDON addresses one crucial source, if not attended timely it may lead to major losses or may result in factory shutdown. Monitor the ongoing production line, when an anomaly is encountered send an alert to the concerned person manually or automatically. The issue is addressed instantly which helps in better management of downtime.


Smart Andon Stations
Andon stations help to identify physical world problems faced by an operator every day. Identifying and selecting a problem notifies the relevant person to come and solve the problem in time
Set up Problem Groups
Systematic bifurcation of problems reduces time to identify a problem, find a relevant expert to solve it and get the production line started again.
Data and Statistics
Works well for industrial plant maintenance. You can store and keep a track of the total number of problems raised, solved, and are in process. Also, the total time-duration taken to solve a certain number of problems can also be recorded and used for analysis.
Escalation & Remarks
If the person who was originally assigned with the task is unable to resolve issue, the same can be reallocated to higher escalation levels. On solving the problems assigned, one can also add necessary remarks.

Technical Diagram

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