Accident Free Man Hours Display Board

An Accident Free Man Hours Display Board is a tool used in workplaces, particularly in industrial and construction environments, to track and display the number of hours worked without an accident or injury. These boards serve several key purposes:

Purpose and Benefits

  1. Safety Awareness: By prominently displaying the number of accident-free hours, these boards remind employees of the importance of safety in the workplace. They serve as a constant visual cue to prioritize safe work practices.
  2. Morale Boost: Achieving and maintaining a high number of accident-free hours can boost employee morale and foster a sense of accomplishment. It can motivate employees to continue working safely.
  3. Accountability: These boards help create a culture of accountability, where employees are aware that their actions directly impact the safety record of the workplace.
  4. Management Tool: For managers, these boards provide a quick, at-a-glance overview of the workplace’s safety performance. They can be used to set goals and measure progress over time.

Key Features

  • Digital or Analog Displays: They can be electronic (digital) or manual (analog), with digital displays often allowing for more sophisticated tracking and data integration.
  • Customizable Metrics: Besides accident-free hours, some boards may also track other safety metrics such as days without an injury, total man-hours worked, or near-miss incidents.
  • Visibility: These boards are typically placed in high-traffic areas where they are easily visible to all employees, such as entrances, break rooms, or near time clocks.
  • Update Mechanism: Manual boards require regular updates by a designated person, while digital boards may automatically update based on input from safety management systems.

Examples of Use

  • Construction Sites: Display boards are common on construction sites where safety risks are high, and there is a need for constant reinforcement of safety protocols.
  • Manufacturing Plants: In manufacturing environments, these boards help maintain awareness of safety practices among workers operating heavy machinery or involved in potentially hazardous processes.
  • Warehouses: Warehouses use these boards to track safe working hours, especially in environments with high forklift traffic and other potential hazards.

Implementation Tips

  • Regular Updates: Ensure that the display board is updated regularly and accurately to maintain credibility and effectiveness.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Recognize and celebrate significant milestones, such as reaching 100, 500, or 1000 accident-free hours, to reinforce positive behavior.
  • Integrate with Training: Use the display board as part of a broader safety training and awareness program to emphasize its importance.
  • Engagement: Encourage employee engagement by involving them in safety committees or giving them opportunities to suggest improvements to safety practices.


  • Accuracy: Maintaining accurate records can be challenging, especially in larger workplaces with many employees.
  • Complacency: Over time, employees might become complacent if they feel that the board’s numbers are just a formality. Continuous engagement and active safety programs are necessary to counteract this.

CIPL Offers Accident Free Man Hours Display Board

CIPL offers Accident Free Man Hours Display Boards, which are designed to help organizations maintain high safety standards by keeping track of accident-free hours. CIPL’s boards are customizable, allowing businesses to display various safety metrics and integrate them into their existing safety management systems. With options for both digital and analog displays, CIPL ensures that their boards meet the specific needs and preferences of different workplaces. By choosing CIPL’s Accident Free Man Hours Display Boards, companies can effectively enhance safety awareness, boost employee morale, and foster a culture of accountability.

Overall, Accident Free Man Hours Display Boards are an effective tool for promoting safety, increasing awareness, and tracking safety performance in various types of workplaces.